Container Case Study
There were four units in total to be delivered to the first part of the pitch for the home team supporters to use. The units included a 24ft x 10ft 7 cubicle ladies W/C, two 20ft x 10ft men’s W/C’s and a 16ft refreshment unit. We attempted delivery of three of the units on another trip to site but unfortunately couldn’t get access to the off-loading point so they were off-loaded at Exeter Training Grounds instead. The plan for this visit to site was to deliver in the first unit (24ft x 10ft) straight from depot, then a second haulier equipped with a hi-ab crane would collect the other units from the training ground and move them to site one by one. Lucy, our Assistant Sales Manager, went to oversee the second delivery and site move of their toilet and refreshment units and she documented her day below.

I arrived at site at 08:00 on the very sunny Tuesday morning to be greeted by our haulier Andy of David Watson Transport Ltd and a couple of lads from Aardvark Plant Hire Ltd. The team from Aardvark had been brought to site to lay the tracking down over the pitch for the hauliers to driver over to reach the off-load point for the cabins. I hadn’t seen how trackway was laid before this. The trackway that was used is manufactured from Tough High Density Molecular Weight Polyethylene and is double sided. One side has a unique cross-serrated surface to provide maximum grip in all directions and the second side has deep profiles which provides a strong bond with the ground. The team operated a bobcat and digger to manoeuvre the large pieces of trackway to create a temporary 100 metre path for the hauliers to use. The team expected it to take 3 – 4 hours to lay the trackway which would mean that our driver could start off-loading around mid-day. Aardvark’s men were really efficient and had the tracking laid by 11.15 so we could start our work a bit earlier than planned! The first wagon equipped with a 360 crane drove onto site first. Everyone was a little nervous at this point, hoping that the hired trackway would protect the football pitch and it worked wonderfully! The driver came onto the pitch forwards to allow him to set up the 29 tonne loaded vehicle. The second haulier had to reverse for 100m along the trackway to be in the right position for the first crane to off-load. After 10 minutes of setting up the vehicles, the chains were set and lifting could begin.
The first unit that was lifted into position was the 24ft x 10ft ladies W/C which is the largest unit in the space. The hauliers worked together with ease to position. As the grounds were slightly sloping, we had to pack the units up to bring them level.
The second unit to be installed was the first of two gents 20ft W/C units, this was off-load from the second vehicle using the 360 crane. Upon positioning, the second haulier left site to collect the next unit from the training ground. An hour later, he arrived and set up ready for the 3rd off-load of the refreshments container and shortly after this off-load he was back on site with the final 20ft gents W/C unit.

Case Study
The client was really happy with the containers and we look forward to seeing them soon for the away units to be delivered!

Container Size (Sq Ft)
Duration (days)
Containers Used
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